As if hypnotized by the grim tableau of her own doom, Lex stood erect and defiant, waiting for the fatal stab.
The Roman physician Antistius performed one of the earliest forensic examinations on record, in 44 B.C., on Julius Caesar, documenting twenty-three wounds, including a final, fatal stab to the chest.
St. Clare and one or two others made an effort to separate them, and St. Clare received a fatal stab in the side with a bowie-knife, which he was attempting to wrest from one of them.
When she lunges towards him however, Cleitus steps in the way and takes the fatal stab himself.
The set known as Cacerina, bringing down the bull while riding it at the time of the fatal stab, was his creation.
She twisted from the waist and pivoted, dodging a potentially fatal stab.
Recognizing this as a fatal stab in the heart of the Confederacy, he had limped back along the empty road to Fairfields.
Some, on receiving the fatal stab, let drop their useless arms, and with dying fingers clasped the hostile steel that's cold in their bowels.
Cardona was weighing the bronze knife that had given Calbot the fatal stab.
She writes about families, loneliness, railways, suburbia, cats, clothes, old age, poets, shape-shifting, the oppression of kindness and the fatal stab of unkindness.