The fatigue lasted for months after chemotherapy was over.
Most people who come down with mono feel much better within two or three weeks, although fatigue may last for two months or longer.
In some, fatigue lasts a few days, while others say the problem persists throughout the course of treatment and even after the treatment is complete.
On average, the fatigue lasted 10 weeks, though about a third of the women reported still feeling tired six months after the operation.
The dry cough and fatigue of flu can last two to three weeks.
For some women, fatigue can last a long time after treatment.
By definition, the fatigue of the syndrome lasts at least six months and is not explained by any known illness.
The severe fatigue can last six months or longer.
The fatigue often sets in during the middle of a course of treatment and can last for weeks after treatment ends.
In most healthy people, the flu will go away in 5 to 7 days, although fatigue can last much longer.