The problem there was faulty batteries, and companies like Dell, Sony and Acer had to initiate major recalls.
In 2005, Apple settled and agreed to replace iPods with faulty batteries purchased prior to May 2004 and extend warranties on batteries.
The undocking was done manually as well, as a cautionary measure to save power on a faulty battery.
- After his bomb failed to explode at the pre-agreed time, apparently due to a faulty battery, Hussain repeatedly tried to call his fellow plotters, who were already dead.
It recently had some major repair work due to a faulty expanding battery.
In early August 2006, Engadget reported that a PowerBook had "violently exploded" because of faulty battery.
They did not suggest any failure of actuation as would be caused by faulty batteries.
Most of the defective notebooks were sold in the US, however some one million faulty batteries could be found elsewhere in the world.
The higher than necessary voltage levels were speculated to be an attempt to reduce support costs for faulty batteries.
Its lack of effectiveness was blamed on a faulty battery.