However, many people disagree with this assertion and instead view he and him as representative of forced male domination and female subordination.
The exploration of our own personal experiences, and the linking up of these to an understanding that the isolated experience of individual women was part of a more complex system of female subordination.
The use of exclusively male language also is a stumbling block for women who reject a society and theology based on patriarchy and female subordination.
It implies the institutions of male rule and privilege, and is dependent on female subordination.
This belief prompted scholars to use female subordination as a means to validate Western ideas about Chinese culture and Confucian principles.
That 1972 essay set off a fierce debate about whether female subordination is universal and linked to women's biology.
A study by the University of Ibadan linked the imbalance in boys' and girls' participation in schooling was to the long-held belief in male superiority and female subordination.
It implies the institutions of male rule and privilege, and entails female subordination.
In particular, Barker's Poetical Recreations contains Barker's challenge of the status-quo of female subordination.