This is done in cultures where a high value is placed on female virginity at the time of marriage.
She had all nine feet, by definition the state of female virginity (the concepts were synonymous), of greatest innocence, desirability, and availability.
Actually encountering female virginity and, being certan of it-well, I'm no expert.
Historically, and in modern times, female virginity has been regarded as more significant than male virginity.
Celibacy is the male counterpart to female virginity, implying that the celibate was not only not married, but that he had never been married.
This is especially the case in cultures where female virginity is highly valued and considered mandatory before marriage; in extreme cases, rape victims are killed in honor killings.
In 1954 she created a sensation with a song called "Charrag Gataa" ("Tear, Lacerate") that was heard as an attack on the virtue of female virginity.
Laws concerning the loss of female virginity have no male equivalent.