The island can be reached only by ferry during the summer months; in the winter, ice usually becomes too thick for ferry traffic.
Private ferry traffic has doubled, to 1,000 trips a day, in the last two years, the city has said.
Grouped in a parking area, they are blocked by vehicles and compete for attention with ferry traffic.
Dover, a city of about 30,000 people dependent on ferry traffic, is the biggest loser.
The increased and constant ferry traffic mentioned in the article is worsening the wall's condition.
Regional transportation planners should not view the growth in ferry traffic merely as a temporary remedy.
It is most uncertain whether this ferry traffic will survive a removal of duty-free sales.
Just as it has always been a matter of course in the area of flying, it is now becoming so for ferry traffic.
Now we are getting the same rules for ferry traffic.
"Why not just take over the ferry traffic?"