During the 1647 revolution of Masaniello, there was an attempted rebellion against the feudal landowners.
The idea of a strengthened monarchy did not sit well with the powerful feudal landowners, but it was just what Canute had in mind.
He was a member of the Toptani family, one of many families that were rich feudal Muslim landowners with privileged status during Ottoman rule.
Luis is the biological, yet illegitimate, son of Don Vicente Asperri, a rich feudal landowner.
During the 18th century several towns bought their freedom from their feudal landowners.
As a result, they are linked to and rely on the feudal landowners in many ways.
Its original sense had overtones of Earth's feudal landowners.
Between the two world wars the city celebrated the 100th anniversary of becoming free from its feudal landowners.
His father, Nawang, was a monk, the younger brother of the local feudal landowner.
A step is thus being made towards halting the awarding of absurd subsidies to feudal landowners.