She felt a fierce and explosive rage swelling up in her.
Hard on the heels of wrenching pain came fierce rage.
Tonio indicates that "Oración is the song that could soothe even the fiercest rage".
Not noisily so; it had been a cold, fierce rage.
As a child, Gohan is depicted with an immense amount of hidden potential, which at first only revealed itself when he experienced fierce rage or distress.
He felt a fierce rage well up in him.
My hair was bristling, and I was convulsed with a fierce, unreasoning rage.
A look of fierce rage came over Harvey Chittenden's face.
When the authorities saw Kitty as a threat, she enters into a fierce rage and demonstrates these powers for the first time to her friends.
At 17, his moods are equally unpredictable, and he is prone to sudden, fierce rages.