Esther and her compatriots finally complied, and she set about buying the linen.
Vivian finally complies, saying that twilight nature's "chief use" may be to "illustrate quotations from the poets."
New tremors rocked the bureaucrat, but he finally complied, I reaching into a coat pocket for a small scanner.
Congress finally complied; however the grant was never enforced by the government.
In order for the issue to be resolved, Turkey must finally comply with international law.
After running a 104-degree Fahrenheit fever on the set of 30 Rock, Morgan decided to finally comply with his doctor's orders.
After a long moment, with Bosch poised off the left rear fender of the maroon car, the driver finally complied.
After some hesitation, Leonidas finally complies and throws down his arms.
Hong-rim and the Queen are uncomfortable accepting the royal order, but they finally comply.
He could hear her snort in anger as she finally complied.