Headed by a Paymaster-in-Chief, the corps was responsible for keeping the army financially accountable to the servicemen and Inland Revenue.
Shareholders like the New York retirement fund are not the only ones agitating to make the people who have presided over corporate frauds financially accountable.
The financial reporting entity, under which the financial statements are prepared, includes all the activities and functions for which the city is financially accountable.
The Plan also sets minimum standards to ensure that neighborhood councils represent all stakeholders in the community, conduct fair and open meetings, and are financially accountable.
Why not hold parents financially accountable for the attendance, performance and behavior of their children in school?
At the time, for Dan-Air each aircraft type in its fleet represented a so-called "cost centre line" that was financially accountable for itself.
Or the shareholders held financially accountable - in the form of a falling stock price - for the bad acts of a company employee.
This case is significant, legal experts say, because it could create a new way for multinational corporations to be held financially accountable for environmental abuses in foreign countries.
In an effort to remedy the chronic distribution problems of the central economy, higher economic institutions became financially accountable for damage inflicted by their decisions on subordinate levels.
However, he is not presumed to be financially accountable for such decisions.