Yes, the problem with gold is that it is every bit as much a fiat currency as the Euro or the dollar, but it is traded by two sorts of people: the financially knowledgeable who can manipulate the price for profit, and the financially illiterate who wouldn't know what a fiat currency was.
We needed a separate agency that could work to make financial products more transparent and less confusing (particularly since, as I wrote about a few weeks ago, so many Americans are financially illiterate), and now, thanks in large part to Elizabeth Warren, we've got one.
Ed would quite like to be considered a credible mainstream politician with electable prospects, and therefore quite sensibly disassociates himself from the financially illiterate no-cuts looney toons.
Because politicians are on the whole just as financially illiterate as the rest of us, they haven't dared challenge the banking shysters or been prepared to call their bluff, so now we have the worst possible scenario where we all suffer to pay million pound bonuses to the spivs and speculators.
Although you are a graduate, you say you are financially illiterate and left your husband to look after these matters.
I will be the first to admit that I am financially illiterate.
A person can be highly educated, professionally successful and financially illiterate.
Both of these strategies are necessary, but they're not enough on their own, because financially illiterate consumers are always going to be easy victims.
We cannot have the banks dishing out financing to the poor and financially illiterate now, can we?