Buddy breaks off the affair with the excuse that it could lead to a financially ruinous divorce for him.
But the burial of a car need not strike such sad, macabre or financially ruinous chords.
In other words, the Government must prove that the low fares and extra flights would be financially ruinous if continued indefinitely.
It should be understood by any administration that "entitlement" to all diploma lines is ludicrous and financially ruinous, particularly in rural areas.
"It was financially ruinous for us both."
By January of this year, when contract talks began, the management was vowing to eliminate what it characterized as financially ruinous overstaffing, featherbedding and labor abuses.
Spain, relieved to be ending a financially ruinous war, was quite pliant in the negotiations.
For families facing major illness, insurance policy limits or even the requirement of a 20 percent co-payment can prove financially ruinous.
In the debate over the 1990 Clean Air Act, auto industry executives claimed that further reducing auto emissions would be financially ruinous.
The publisher, James Hoge, says the paper cannot survive unless it rids itself of what he calls financially ruinous work rules.