He finds his former secretary, who had also been imprisoned, for having typed his offensive article.
When he walked through the inner door he found his secretary arranging some papers on the next desk to his.
But when Strange arrived, he found only Sir Walter's private secretary hard at work.
If you'll find my secretary, Father Evans, we can use both of you in about a quarter of an hour.
Then he said, "I have an idea that if you find your secretary you will be half way to solving the mystery."
He found her secretary in the outer office.
We found Captain Bennydeck and his pretty secretary enjoying a little rest and refreshment, after a long morning's work for the good of the Home.
He went to the director's office; there he found Bursard's bespectacled secretary.
And they had to find someone to act as deputy judge advocate - the Invincible's purser, probably, or the Admiral's secretary.
The general, thrown out of his chair, emerged from a shattered office to find his secretary among the dead.