Needless to say, we kept track of your activities following our initial encounter.
Spain, following Columbus's initial encounter, gradually incorporate these new peppers into their diets and spread them throughout Europe.
Following his encounter with the potato, Nyle makes his way down from his room for dinner.
One strange thing did happen following my encounter with the ghost of Jacob Jackson.
She admitted she lied about the events immediately following her encounter with Strauss-Kahn.
I had left Clare early on the morning following our encounter and was surprised to find her reserved and somewhat distant.
Following their encounter, the Count embarks on a night of wild revelry.
Dr. Cuss goes to visit him following his first encounter with Griffin.
Shawn remains in a coma following his encounter with Isabelle.
They confirm our impression that, following his traumatic encounter with the Czech police, he becomes considerably less talkative.