The lower speed limit was a major factor in spurring demand for detectors, so manufacturers did not welcome the increase.
Millions were produced for the military services for walkie-talkies, mine detectors and various communications equipment.
Two designs for detectors of gravitational radiation are discussed below.
The shower was so intense that it was "off scale" for detectors near the array's center.
Proposals for such detectors have been put forward.
The study's results were used to help determine the noise levels for detectors.
It is used as a scintillator for detectors of high energy photons, electrons and alpha particles.
Indium antimonide is used as a material for mid-infrared detectors.
For normal silicon-based detectors, the sensitivity is limited to 1.1 μm.
The range for most detectors is a cone-shaped zone with a circumference of about 40 feet.