Peeling is more effective than washing for certain residues, but it will not remove pesticides like Alar.
The major route for pharmaceutical residues to reach the aquatic environment is most probably by excretion from patients undergoing pharma treatment.
Safe tolerances were authorized for residues of such substances, for example pesticides.
She half-closed her eyes, searching with her laran for psychic residues.
Teocelo has a permanent program for recycling urban residues.
The corresponding solvation parameters for various residues are shown in Table 2.
Output was prepared using a 50% threshold for identical and conserved residues.
First of all, maximum values for residues must be kept as low as possible.
There is no maximum limit established for residues and, de facto, the use of these substances has been prohibited since the 1st January.
This view is supported by mutagenesis studies indicating a critical role for particular residues in the turns of some proteins.