Behind everything Cerryl felt forces were building, forces he could not see but certainly could feel.
The total force is around 145,000 and is building toward around 160,000 by early summer.
In the city the forces of violence are building too rapidly.
As American military forces in the region build toward full strength, President Bush should continue to let diplomacy work.
Instead, the current force of 145,000 is building to 160,000.
The main surge of the sea seemed to be moving beneath the smooth surface, while massive forces were building in the depths below.
The force within him, amplified by that touch, built to a great roaring crescendo.
His forces built a wooden bridge across the river and engage the pursuing Burmese army as they follow.
The armed forces build the roads, provide services in rural areas, and run the government television station.
Not since the previous time forces built to a peak.