When the first fliers were distributed on Monday, most recipients kept walking, but some stopped, foreheads crinkling as they read the boldface warning.
The lancer's forehead crinkles ever so slightly as he adds, "Yet it is also said that she has children as old as you are, my lady."
Dad's forehead was crinkling into a frown.
Sarah asked her, her forehead crinkling as she tried to remember which of Sally's many boyfriends she was referring to.
Trent's tiny forehead crinkled as he thought about it.
Sandy's forehead crinkled as if he hadn't understood what she'd said.
Soloman's smooth forehead crinkled in a frown.
Mrs. Gaumont's forehead crinkled and she couldn't hide the suspicion on her face, but she nodded.
The corporal's forehead crinkled in mild dismay.
'But France is a free country,' Sabat's forehead crinkled.