In the aftermath of the Texas Southern game, Arkansas found a new theme: Get mad.
But she has found a consistent theme running through the interviews she's conducted thus far.
That is not, we found, a theme you can do justice to in a few weekends.
Haskins couldn't have found a more fitting theme.
While she liked the writing and found a good theme, her concern was repetition.
And oddly enough, after years of cacophony, the Republicans found a unifying theme in Social Security.
The center and its curators could not have found a more apt theme for an international survey show at this particular moment for this particular place.
It was also during her time in Charleston that Perry found a new theme for her landscapes, what she referred to as "snowscapes."
Then the coach in me found a winning theme, one that deserved to be spoken aloud: "You know, what if Townsend actually did it?
Various critics also found a theme of humanity within Uglies.