WKE was founded on June 14, 1966 by residents of the local trailer park.
The parish was founded in 1890 by residents of the Fillmore area.
Nokdim was founded on July 5, 1982, by residents of Tekoa.
Founded by local residents seven years ago, it stages an original musical comedy yearly.
In 1848 the first major enterprises were founded by notable Jewish residents.
It was founded in 1970 by local residents such as Bryan Burroughs and had over 1000 members.
Mageiras was founded between 1750 and 1770 by residents of the large village Tsetsevos which suffered from landslides at the time.
Founded by residents of Cova Figueira, it has won 4 titles since 1996.
The community was founded in 1986 by residents of nearby moshavim.
The university was founded in 1837 as a private subscription school by residents of Guyandotte and the surrounding area.