People pay for everything from groceries to college tuition with their credit cards.
Here, you can buy anything from groceries to hardware, fresh meats to fine gifts and toys.
Local residents use the Bardera main market for everything from groceries, pharmacy and other services such as restaurants.
It carries a wide range of products, from basic groceries to electronics to clothing.
One can get everything from groceries, vegetables, household things, clothes, cattle, food, meat etc.
Officials have been touting it as an all-purpose card that can be used to buy everything from groceries to newspapers.
The district is primarily working class, with a large number of small businesses, from groceries to other retail stores.
Competition from other groceries and a large supermarket on the street also made business difficult, he said.
To day the street i full of life, and with over 100 stores, everything from tiles, groceries and clothing.
Several days later, the company recalled its entire stock from bistros and groceries worldwide, a total of 160 million bottles.