By 1998 8000 illegal entrants were arriving clandestinely and being detected emerging from lorries where in 1992 there had been 500.
The subsidies are planned to cut sulphur emissions from lorries by a quarter.
They would be at risk from the vastly increased number of cars and heavy lorries expected to use the new tunnel.
Anything to make a change from lorries.
Ships are loaded either direct from lorries via mobile elevators or through the terminal silos.
Other concerns include the threat of pollution, noise disturbance, danger from heavy lorries and the loss of environmental amenities.
In any case, emissions from lorries subject to the ecopoints restriction have been reduced by 60%.
It includes everything from lorries to aeroplane jet engines and telecommunications equipment.
Everybody must surely realise how important it is to clean up emissions from buses and lorries.
The other women are gone from the Dock Road and we search for the bits of coal that drop from lorries.