Bud glanced at the direction in which the fish were swimming, then frowned angrily.
Richard hung his head as Shota frowned angrily and watched him in silence.
Herilak frowned angrily but could think of nothing more to say.
But the older woman only frowned at Kerwin angrily, and went out of the room.
Nick frowned angrily and swung round to watch the helmsman.
When he reached the alarm aboard, he stopped and frowned at it angrily.
He was frowning angrily into the phone's picture screen.
Even in the dim light, Tina could see that he was frowning angrily.
He threw his fist on the table and, frowning angrily, protruded one finger after another.
The young woman with the long, black hair frowned angrily at each compliment.