The Gnat frowned fiercely for a moment, then shook her head.
After a moment he nodded, frowning fiercely into the sun.
Meerah frowned fiercely about her, to remind everyone how serious the subject was.
She was silent, still, frowning fiercely to herself, for nearly half a minute.
He frowned fiercely and did not answer the question.
Rose begged him to think of a plan, and the doctor thought hard for a few minutes, frowning fiercely.
He frowned fiercely, then lowered his head as a woman passed near the window.
In the 1960's, society frowned fiercely on mothers with babies who went back to work.
His expression was another matter, and he frowned fiercely as he considered what he'd just said.
He turned crossly, to see Julian frowning fiercely at him.