She was frowning worriedly, like a small girl, scuffling her bare feet in the damp, cold grass.
Aviendha's belt knife was small, with a blade, not half a foot long, but the oarsmen frowned worriedly when she drew it.
He was frowning worriedly down the hall, apparently already seeing the coming meeting with the Queen.
As they rode through stone-paved streets crowded with people and wagons, Rand frowned worriedly.
Jamie was leaning over my shoulder, frowning worriedly at the angry-looking limb.
"Yes," Janida said, smiling nervously and frowning worriedly at the same time.
Egwene frowned even more worriedly than Mat, but the Aiel just watched.
Jamie glanced from her to me, frowning worriedly.
"No one," the old man said, beginning to frown worriedly.
Louise stood in front of me, frowning worriedly as she looked down at me.