They function reliably until a critical component fails, and the whole thing dies instantly.
When sodium silicates are adequately protected, they function extremely well and reliably for long.
It can reliably function for at least 25,000 rounds without replacement of any major parts.
Global Positioning Systems do not always function reliably, and there are areas of the country without mobile phone coverage.
Unfortunately, the hybrid creatures failed to function reliably, but he kept making changes to improve them.
On the bridge of the Enterprise, the air seemed misty and electronic controls no longer functioned reliably.
None of these systems appear able to function reliably when the Doctor is incapacitated.
Offshore wind turbines have been functioning reliably in European waters since 1991.
In many cases they are required to operate in harsh environmental conditions where computers will not function reliably.
The short 10.3 in (262 mm) barrel length requires special modifications to reliably function.