Did the garage proprietor also make a contract of sale in relation to the World Cup coins?
First, they claimed that the garage proprietor made no contract at all with the customer in relation to the World Cup coins.
There was not just one contract made between the garage proprietor and the customer.
Less sensitive than the nurses, he evidently took Richard for a quarrelsome garage proprietor.
They could send 'em up by Monday,' the garage proprietor said.
He is a garage proprietor by trade.
There was a positive assurance in Vincent's voice that made the garage proprietor think the young man might represent the law.
They filled up their tanks, and the garage proprietor looked at the money they gave him as though wondering what value it had.
For example, a garage proprietor might agree to repair a newsagent's van in return for their cancelling last month's newspaper bill.
"There is a way," the garage proprietor said, understanding her plight, which it seemed was not uncommon.