The shared conservation of both the Cbf1p and Met31/32p sites provides further evidence that these genes comprise part of the cellular response to the demand for products of this pathway.
Anticancer genes comprise Apoptin, a gene encoded by the chicken anaemia virus genome which was the first anti-cancer gene isolated.
This gene and the downstream genes probably comprise an operon that encodes various subunits of ubiquinone reductase enzyme.
The gene comprises more than 20,000 nucleotides and encodes two replicase polyproteins, pp1a and pp1ab, that are proteolytically processed by viral proteases.
Known genes comprise 22% of all of our transcriptional units, but comprise 71% of our units which are conserved with rodents, Drosophila and Caenorhabditis elegans.
Calculating the "target size" of such mutations, Schrödinger realized that a gene could comprise at most a few hundred or thousand atoms.
Such genes comprise a core, or primary subset, of organellar genes.
These genes comprise a secondary subset of organellar genes; genetic system genes.
These genes, together with trpB, trpD, trpC, trpEb and trpEa, comprise a compact operon in which all but one gene overlaps its neighbor in the operon (translational coupling).