These genes may represent candidate genes whose expression changes drive selection for chromosomal gains or losses.
These uncertain genes represent the class of genes that are slightly divergent (see "Assessment of divergence" below).
The sampling approach assumes that the 680 genes represent 2% of all genes, resulting in an overall count of 34,000.
The gene, known as dysbindin, may represent a different way of causing schizophrenia.
Yet tissues and genes represent the raw materials of the biotechnology industry.
Because of its cytogenetic location, this gene represents a candidate gene for 5q-syndrome.
Such genes are called retrogenes and represent a certain type of retroposon.
Of these, 221 and 214 genes represented annotated sequences in the hippocampus and liver, respectively.
But genes represent proteins, in the sense that they are used as instructions for their manufacture elsewhere in the cell.
I must also say that for me ecological agriculture and gene technological do not represent a contradiction.