But his racially charged statements sound oddly out of place in this generally low-key dispute.
Since August 1984, Turkey has been fighting a generally low-key but growing war against insurgents who have sought refuge in Iran, Iraq and Syria.
It is generally low-key compared to other events, such as Thanks-Give.
All this was presented in a direct, generally low-key manner.
His contributions are generally low-key (with the exception of the 'Berle' episode).
Another writer commented that in this "grim opera" the very intense dramatic effect of the music may be due to its generally low-key approach.
I'd describe him as generally low-key, thoughtful, deliberate.
In the suburbs, the talk was generally low-key.
When on the phone, the 43rd president distinguishes himself from Mr. Clinton, members of Congress say, by his generally low-key approach.
But they are generally low-key creatures, caretakers say.