Eyewitness testimony is generally presumed to be better than circumstantial evidence.
It is generally presumed that the farms located near Konnerud date from 1100 - 1400.
The figure to the lower left is generally presumed to be male.
It has been very difficult to date them, but they are generally presumed to have been written in the 1st or 2nd century of our era.
However, it is generally presumed that Williams was the culprit in most of the murders, if not all of them.
Still, magnesium is generally presumed to be the active component.
Armed robberies take place throughout the city, including areas generally presumed safe and frequented by tourists.
The voice is generally presumed to be that of God the Father.
It is generally presumed that two successive names are teacher and pupil.
"Died after a long illness," the newspapers reported, a phrase generally presumed to mean cancer.