But Tricki never showed any resentment; in fact he was an outstandingly equable little animal, bursting with intelligence, and I was genuinely attached to him.
They grew genuinely attached to each other until James died in 1916.
Naturally, being fond of boxing, I grew to know a good many prize- fighters, and to most of those I knew I grew genuinely attached.
Sometimes, the women are scared of retribution; other times they are genuinely attached.
They were soft-spoken, unfailingly courteous, helpful, genuinely attached to their infant charges . . . and very, very dangerous.
If his love had lost its illusion, he was genuinely attached to Josephine, and in a way she was necessary to his happiness.
There were many instructors to whom he had become genuinely attached.
Killashandra stared back at Trag, trying to absorb the various implications, foremost was the realization that Lanzecki was genuinely attached to her.
In his plans he was aided and abetted by the young woman who down here passed as his wife and to whom he was genuinely attached.
But he and, after his death, his sister were genuinely attached to Joyce, through whom they had contributed to Mosley's organisation as a bulwark against Communism.