A bigger, wider geographic footprint could help television ratings, which are small by standards of other sports, but grew slightly on Fox last season.
Elsewhere, Kaiser Permanente did not do as well, and its geographic footprint changed significantly in the 1990s.
Since that time, Mayfran has continued to expand its product portfolio, technical resources, application know-how and geographic footprint.
The broader geographic footprint across the continent was supposed to excite a wider television market.
Piramal Glass has a large geographic footprint, with a sales and distribution presence in major markets across the globe.
Aside from being one of the lower priority tie-ins, the destination is far outside the conference's geographic footprint.
In recent years, the company has undergone significant reorganisation both operationally and in terms of its geographic footprint.
Since 1980, Iron Mountain has grown both the company's geographic footprint and its service offerings through acquisitions.
But the geographic footprint has largely shifted south, where a new auto industry is flourishing.
The Intercloud scenario is based on the key concept that each single cloud does not have infinite physical resources or ubiquitous geographic footprint.