At their geographic latitude, the night will last only two hours; Carter decides to land and commence searching for the others at daybreak.
The magnetic latitude is measured northwards from the equator (analogous to geographic latitude) and is related to by .
Elâzığ stretches in a general west-southwest to east-northeast direction, along the line of equal geographic latitude and longitude.
The actual orientation you see the Moon in the sky or on the horizon depends on your geographic latitude on Earth.
It is a little less than the geographic latitude.
Later grade measurements aimed at determining the flattening of the Earth ellipsoid by measuring at different geographic latitudes.
The location of any point on the surface can be described by two coordinates: the geographic latitude and longitude.
It refers to a theoretical coherence between the geographic latitude and the meridional curvature of the geoid.
Knowing one's geographic latitude and longitude these measurements can be used to derive the star's right ascension and declination.
The geographic latitudes covered by the ground track will range from -i to i, where i is the orbital inclination.