A gigantic bubble of carbon dioxide was forming deep in the sand, heaving upward in an enormous "blow" with a dust whirlpool at its center.
The whole chamber looked like a gigantic bubble, half filled with that curiously alive but sterile water.
Or put a gigantic bubble around the Earth so they can't get at it.
Once when we power-washed the deck, my dad noticed a gigantic bubble forming beneath the bark of the giant maple that shaded the house.
Furiously boiling, gigantic bubbles of plasma rise and sink again, cooling and reheating, in an endless cycle of convection.
Scientists aboard a research vessel in the south-central Pacific Ocean observed gigantic bubbles of steam, floating rocks and other unexpected phenomena.
It rum- bled and quivered and roared and from the trumpet grew a gigantic, pulsing green bubble that gave off in- tense heat.
Again he pulled down the lever, again the machine shook and hissed and slowly another gigantic green bubble formed at its snout.
There's a toddler area, a soap bubble tray where kids can produce gigantic bubbles, an animation station and a sound lab ($7; ages 2 to 18, $5).
Every plank, every beam, every mast and 2Although Chelestra is a world made up entirely of water, there are places where large pockets of gases collect to form gigantic bubbles.