There is also a niche housing the bronze statue of Saint Bassianus, a copy of the 1284 original in gilded copper, now inside the cathedral.
The bedposts had large spheres of gilded copper and projecting iron bars, each supporting a tripartite candle.
He used the technique of champlevé enamel on gilded copper to compose the work.
The canopy and bead crowning the top are all made of gilded copper.
It is covered with scrolls of gilded copper on blue champleve enamel.
It is also embellished with bits of silver, gilt, gilded copper and a mirrored top.
The dome is in lead, with a lantern in gunmetal and gilded copper.
This particular object, a piece of gilded copper topped with two embracing figures of Justice and Peace looking like teen-age girls, is both charming and suggestive.
It was laid in a coffin-like reliquary of oak and glass from The Netherlands, and decorated with gilded copper.
Included are a vase stand, fragment of furniture, a silver head of a goose, pall-discs of gilded copper, and a statue plinth.