Only the eyes, glowing ruby, could be clearly seen.
Its eyes were the color of glowing rubies, and its whiskers resembled gold spun into fine, soft wire.
Against the sky the raft was a black mote topped with a glistening bubble, the rays of the setting sun turning the transparency into a glowing ruby.
And holding her hand to her cheek, she contemplated the delicate fingers spread like a fan, the well-kept nails, and the darkly glowing ruby.
From her seat near the window of a downtown tower restaurant, Uhura watched spangles of afterglow cascade past in a shower of glowing ruby and topaz embers.
Thus, when Avelyn and the other powrie came up suddenly, rising over the stone holder, the surprised dwarf fell back down into the barrelboat, glowing ruby in hand.
A torus the size of a mountain range, glowing ruby from within and beginning to sag, was its border.
The buckles on his shoes were pure silver, and the hilt of the dagger on his belt was gold set with glowing rubies.
Then he laid her on the bed and feasted his eyes on her, slender and seductive, totally naked except for the glowing ruby that flashed fire whenever she moved her hand.
She lifted the thin chains, set with amethyst and agate, pearls and one round, glowing ruby.