Actors routinely dye their hair, put on goofy costumes, hide behind rubber masks and sometimes even take off or put on enormous amounts of body fat, if that's what's needed to play a part.
Grown men and women joked around in silly makeup and goofy costumes, emoting exaggeratedly, acting like buffoons.
Ms. Drum's goofy costumes added much to the duet, as did the no-holds-barred performance of Richard Kilfoil as Adam, with Ms. Drum perfect as his glum foil.
Even behind huge ears and goofy costumes, a young Angelina Jolie stands out from the crowd when she's singing.
They do not paint themselves in team colors or wear goofy costumes.
Even behind huge ears and goofy costumes, a young Angelina Jolie stands .
He indulges in a continental predilection for dressing up in goofy costumes to meet the ceremonial demands of the various wine-drinking clubs to which he belongs.