Diocletian's reforms had created a strong governmental bureaucracy, reformed taxation, and strengthened the army.
However, he remained politically rather a backbencher, and always remained a thorn in the side of the governmental bureaucracy.
The group members are also trying to address what free-market advocates say about universal health care, notably that it undermines capitalism and creates greater governmental bureaucracy.
Shareholder rights will be protected, the permit system reformed, and the governmental bureaucracy reduced.
A separate stratification existed for governmental bureaucracy, who were classified according to the Table of Ranks.
Its primary function, as a creature of Congress, mires the library in governmental bureaucracy.
As is common within governmental bureaucracies, this meant it expanded its role in order to use its spare resources.
Opponents of province shrinking believe that increasing the number of provinces would simply increase the inefficiency of governmental bureaucracy.
He learned to distrust governmental bureaucracy as inefficient and detrimental to the rights of the individual - a principle he promoted throughout his career.
There was bound to be some tension between the governmental bureaucracy and that of the CPSU.