In many ways the 9850/60 is very similar to its sister model the 9810 including chipset, battery power, browser capability and liquid graphics technology.
The unnamed developer is also apparently involved in building the graphics technology for Sony's next system.
But he said it was too early to say how Sun's graphics technology would compare with that of its competitors.
Today with the help of modern graphics technologies there is a wide variety of different screensavers.
It's clear that being at the bleeding edge of graphics technology isn't Valve's aim for this project.
The top floor houses a television studio, a computer laboratory, a conference room, a lecture hall, media services, graphics technology.
Following the merger, Lockheed Martin decided to market their graphics technology for civilian use.
But there has been no corresponding development of graphics technology, until now, that is.
But PCIe has even more impressive potential in store for the future of graphics technology.
Intel is set on moving the future of graphics technology towards multi-core programmable x86 processors.