Krolli started the engine of the mobile power shovel and began to grind forward along the road.
The two vehicles were still grinding along side by side, and Gomo suddenly spun the driving-wheel hard back in the opposite direction.
She heard the pebbles grind along the bottom of the boat, and then the flapping of the water.
It came in again, iron grinding along the trawler's hull.
There was an ominous creaking and grinding along the top of the hill as the weakened wall began to sway.
With a lurch, the little ship started forward, grinding and bumping along the green-wood tracks.
Grinding along the floor, the bronze-bound chests were heaved aside.
It is actually steel dust, the residue of brakes grinding against wheels grinding along tracks.
"Move them out," he shouted when there seemed order, and the vehicles started up, began to grind their patient way along the road.
But without their dedication and sacrifice, science would grind to a halt - and all its economic and societal benefits along with it.