Oh the stereotypes serve to strengthen ethnic identification and group boundaries.
It is predicted that under conditions where the group boundaries are considered permeable individuals are more likely to engage in individual mobility strategies.
The cumulative effect of these incidents was friendship formation across group boundaries.
Posts were rearranged so that some clusters now straddled group boundaries and reported to both centres to improve fast jet track handovers between groups.
The individual outside group boundaries is an outcast.
The social definition of groups creates entry and exit barriers that can help explain why social mobility across group boundaries can be difficult.
"This cooperation across group boundaries did not limit anybody's identity or ideals," Mr. Botha said.
The past years have seen us working very closely together, which has involved the blurring of group boundaries.
Cooperation at an early stage across group boundaries, which was our experience particularly with the milk sector, has finally paid off.
Discrimination in Western Europe forced immigrants to constitute their own communities and to define their group boundaries in cultural terms.