As pressure mounted on the Montoneros, the urban guerrillas struck back.
But diplomats here said the guerrillas do not normally strike at civilian installations, especially those frequented by poor people, preferring to attack Government security forces.
The guerrillas simultaneously struck border guard and Interior Ministry buildings and ambushed responding security vehicles.
Meanwhile, the guerrilla movement switched its main effort to the north and on 5 October 1975 guerrillas struck the 29th Mountain Infantry Regiment.
He couldn't understand why the guerrillas would strike there instead of at the heart of Lima, possibly his own headquarters, where their enemies abounded.
In turn, the guerrillas struck back by firing Katyusha rockets into the "security zone."
Each time the guerrillas have struck, the army has retaliated, often killing unarmed civilians in their efforts to flush out the enemy.
Anti-Government guerrillas struck Kabul with dozens of rockets again today, killing 10 people and wounding 25.
One result is that guerrillas last year struck planes 380 times with small arms fire, twice as much as the year before, officials said.
Early today, the guerrillas struck again, killing nine people in the town of Tocota, 540 miles southeast of Lima.