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He offers dramatic examples of how gutter journalism can damage innocent lives.
"The very existence of gutter journalism like that is a threat to decent news media everywhere," says one character.
Boldface would never stoop to such gutter journalism, but any comment on that Love affair?
White House condemnations of the book were equally dramatic, with officials blasting it as "gutter journalism."
It was gossip and gutter journalism.
Critics called it gutter journalism, but simultaneously hailed the book as one of the greatest show-business biographies ever written.
The MDC had accused the state media of "gutter journalism" and biased reporting against the party.
Meaning gutter journalism.
We in the Conservative Party have no truck with that style of gutter journalism which we were forced to endure last Sunday.
McCain's campaign fired back immediately, describing the profile as "gutter journalism at its worst" and a "barrage of petty and personal attacks."
"We will reject the growing trend for gutter journalism," said Lloyd Turner, The Post's editor.
McCain spokesman Michael Goldfarb has called the Times piece "gutter journalism" and a "trash report."
Surprise, surprise - the Telegraph Another borderline piece of gutter journalism from the Torygraph.
Mr Berlusconi's allies reacted furiously to the broadcast, saying it was scurrilous gutter journalism and should never have been aired.
In a blog post Monday, Fry called Moir's column an "epically ill-judged piece of gutter journalism."
But it's the precision of his take on high-minded gutter journalism that makes Resentment the one post-O.J. book likely to survive the remainderer's abattoir.
And I thought that Sarler's comment about Barry Horne was the most inhumane piece of mean spirited low class gutter journalism I had ever read.
Indeed, his specialty is making black comedy out of such unfunny subjects as high finance and gutter journalism, Hollywood tunnel vision and Washington doublespeak, human vanity and greed.
In addition to the missive, the McCain released a scathing critique of the story, calling it "gutter journalism at its worst -- an unprecedented attack on a presidential candidate's spouse."
We will not be misrepresented, to people, about the AFL supporting a story that we've already said publicly we find obscene, abhorrent, the route of gutter journalism ..."."
Before students could think on his comments, Leanne saw fit to use (abuse) her power (and talent for gutter journalism) to instantly, and remorselessly, coerce student opinion to match her own.
Peppered with references to a real world of corrupt charities, designer handbags and gutter journalism, Gilliam said the fantasy world through the looking-glass "is saying look at the beauty of things.
It was unfair of the magazine to headline Dr Sinclair's response to Simon Jones article: gutter journalism scares parents: health authorities, implying she had used that derogatory term in her response.
For the readers who may not be familiar with dishonesty, hypocrisy, double standards, propaganda and gutter journalism, I will outline here some of the tricks that 60 Minutes weakly passes off as investigative journalism.