Two men played an old English tune together on a hammer dulcimer.
Now the lead instrument sounds like hammer dulcimer.
He summarized the song as consisting of "basically just a cassette and effected hammer dulcimers."
The name of the band reflects the shape of the hammer dulcimer.
He was living in Acushnet, Massachusetts in the early '70s when he started to play the hammer dulcimer.
Played the hammer dulcimer with all four arms.
After the smart-horse-apple act, Nona brought out her hammer dulcimer and accompanied herself as she sang a sweet song.
Nona had won him with her special playing of her hammer dulcimer, before, and he had been loyal to her since.
Carawan first heard the hammer dulcimer played by Chet Parker.
This notably includes the cimbalom, a traditional Hungarian variant of the hammer dulcimer.