Attacking a handicapped man to steal his video camera.
I remember my dad always seating a mentally handicapped man in the front row and hugging him.
Yet his doctors had told Chris and me that many handicapped men married and lived more or less normal lives.
Once I saw a severely handicapped young man who came every year answer the altar call in his automated wheelchair.
Jack Palmer is the social worker for the four handicapped men.
Osvaldo was a junkie who killed a crippled mentally handicapped man for his television.
When the handicapped man left the room a part of the audience turned against Wertheim, leaving him no choice than to leave the stage.
Police are growing increasingly worried about a mentally handicapped man who's been missing for three days.
The intent of this home and training school was to house and train mentally handicapped young men.
He also hired women and handicapped men at a time when doing so was uncommon.