On Windows 3.1, the universal printer driver would sometimes be able to handle both text and graphics with a single band.
It handled graphics, sound, and video as easily as other computers of its time manipulated plain text.
JustText is a misnomer really as it can handle graphics and rules quite easily.
The third area in which major improvements have been made to PageMaker is that of its ability to handle graphics.
And if it has enough memory built into it, it can handle graphics, as well.
Must be used together with (and a glue script, such as gprof2dot), which in accordance to the Unix philosophy doesn't handle graphics by itself.
It can handle not just graphics, but standard features of programming languages such as and commands.
However, Printpower can handle graphics in a number of popular formats.
The emergence of personal computers powerful enough to handle sophisticated graphics and large data bases is expected to carry geographic information to new customers.
Some libraries can handle sound processing, input, and graphics rendering.