"Black Gold: The Oil Experience" is a permanent interactive exhibition that offers a hands-on introduction to the science and history of oil in the region.
The focus of the week is to give students a hands-on introduction to how real world politics operate, and allow their classroom to come to life.
This museum is a hands-on introduction to the events and people that helped shape this nation's history.
After learning the principles of business in class, fifth graders fill out job applications, then take a field trip to a simulated mini-mall for a hands-on introduction to the free enterprise system.
In 2008 the Club introduced courses specifically designed to give power pilots a hands-on introduction to soaring flight.
The focus of the week is to give students a hands-on introduction to how "real world" politics take place.
Nevertheless, Heathkits provided a hands-on introduction to electronics that could not be found in textbooks.
During some sprints people new to the project are welcomed and get an intensive hands-on introduction pairing with an experienced project member.
Widely advertised in science and electronics magazines, the Geniac provided many youths with their first hands-on introduction to computer concepts and Boolean logic.
OLAB is a one-week hands-on introduction to business and the market economy for young women and men entering their senior year in high school.