By contrast, silica aerogels used as insulating material simply disintegrate into fine sand when exposed to water, leaving no environmentally harmful residue.
The wetlands filter out harmful residues from fertilizers, oils, and other contaminants that can be found on the roadways and in the surrounding desert.
It rapidly biodegrades under warm conditions, so harmful residues are minimal.
The law also limits the amount of harmful residues certified organic produce may contain.
Residue chemists review the data submitted to support the absence of harmful residues in edible tissues (meat, milk or eggs) intended for human consumption.
This indiscriminate spraying often destroys beneficial insects and can leave harmful residues.
Modern herbicides such as glyphosate are designed to leave no harmful residue in the soil.
But cleaners cannot - and do not - guarantee they are removing all harmful residue, even when they remove all odor.
Significant and harmful residues of quinolones have been found in animals treated with quinolones and later slaughtered and sold as food products.
Was it possible that mindtrap, overused for a long period, could build up a harmful residue injurious to the bones?