The rulings also put strict limits on the number of fish the Chippewa can catch and prevents the band from harvesting timber off the reservation.
In 2010, Dennis Bramble and Daniel Lieberman also proposed that early humans were scavengers that used stone tools to harvest meat off carcasses and to open bones.
Mer is a slave on a plantation, to live out the rest of her days harvesting sugar cane off the farm of Seigneur Simenon.
Another positive thinker: "Just think, Martha, in three or four years we'll be harvesting apples off that little sapling we just planted."
Harvesting medical information off the Web is no less tricky for professionals than it is for anyone else.
Mr. Kalm, whose broad shoulders were forged by years of harvesting clams off the bay floor with heavy tongs, still clams in Great Bay whenever he can.
The story centres on a group of men who harvest seaweed off the coast of Brittany, and the problems which arise when one of them gets an infected thumb.
The contract was offered by International Nickel, a Canadian company, to harvest manganese nodules off the coast of Hawaii.
The final bill represents a compromise that takes aim at the most egregious tactics used by junk e-mailers, like harvesting e-mails off the Internet.
Some homes harvest their own water off the roof.